Home Top News WGA calls for strike authorization vote next week – deadline

WGA calls for strike authorization vote next week – deadline

WGA calls for strike authorization vote next week – deadline

The Writers Guild has officially called for a strike authorization vote.

“Studios must respond to the crisis facing writers. WGA members must demonstrate our willingness to fight for the needs and rights of contract writers by supporting a strike authorization referendum,” the union wrote.

Voting will begin on Tuesday, April 11 at 8:30 PM and close on Monday, April 17 at 12:00 PM.

After two weeks of negotiations, the AMPTP “failed to provide meaningful answers to key economic issues across the WGA’s primary work areas—screen, episodic television and comedy—in an email to members,” the association said in an email.

It admitted that “they politely listened to our presentations and made only minor moves in a few areas”, but that these moves were “combined with setbacks designed to offset any gains”.

The strike authorization vote was expected after two weeks of bilateral negotiations. Although a two-week break had previously been planned, as revealed on Friday, there was a willingness to discuss further in the next two weeks.

“Now we need to demonstrate that commitment. You can help by voting yes on strike authorization, helping your leadership negotiate the strongest possible deal before the deadline, or calling a strike after May 1 if companies don’t want to meet our fair demands. Throughout April, WGA negotiators for writers Will continue to work towards the goal of a fair deal,” it added.

Luv Raghe is an executive producer Dave And MoA member of the negotiating team explained to the members what such a move would mean.

“Ask for a SAV is a step that unions often take to demonstrate commitment and support for the bargaining agenda in negotiations. Passing by an SAV does not automatically mean that we will go on strike,” he said in a video. “Conversely, after the current MBA contract expires on May 1, it will give our West Board and East Council the power to call a strike if necessary to secure a fair contract for the writers.”

Ahead of the vote, Ragay said, the guild will begin holding a series of “member meetings,” in person and virtual, “to tell you where things stand and let you know why we think this vote is so. Important.”

“Remember, we’re all in this together,” he said.


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